SWA Ultimate: Full-Time or Part-Time?
Some people are asking if they should do the SWA Ultimate on a full-time or part-time basis. Our recommendation is, do this on a part-part-time basis. Here’s why…
Can you see yourself copy/pasting ads on Facebook or elsewhere on the web the WHOLE day?
Can you keep awake while trying to sell SWA Ultimate to people via Facebook chat?
Can you imagine yourself photo-tagging/spamming people?
You can? REALLY? Okay… this article is NOT for you.
What we teach our friends is how to find a SYSTEM that will also give you TIME FREEDOM.
Doing something on the computer on a Full-Time basis is not exactly an example of Time Freedom.
SWA Ultimate is supposed to be a form of Semi-Passive Income. That means you don’t do it full-time.
SWA Ultimate, on the other hand, can be done with your eyes closed. Especially after you’ve written the blog posts or published other things online.
With online marketing, once you’ve hit the Publish button, the whole system works on autopilot.
YES! That means the things you’ve published will get seen, read, or watched by people even while you’re asleep. You can build your online marketing business without having to watch it the whole day.
Let’s prove this to you…
Here you are, reading these words.
Am I speaking LIVE in front of you?
Am I writing this down in real-time?
Am I spending physical time with you right now?
Am I writing this down in real-time?
Am I spending physical time with you right now?
For all you know, I could be half-way around the world, or even fast asleep in a different timezone.
And yet, here you are reading these words.
That’s the Power of Online Marketing.
So if you want to get the inside scoop on how to do SWA Ultimate not even on a part-time basis, but on a Part-Part-Time basis, join my team.